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Frank Foley

Stories of Our Lives! - Keri Williams

This was a pivotal interview for me, and I will always be grateful to Keri for speaking with such honest clarity. In doing so, in speaking her truth, she allowed me to see Stories of Our Lives in a way I hadn't before.

At 25.20 Keri says, "We thrive when we are able to express ourselves fully, and heal that which we are holding onto".

That's what Stories of Our Lives is about! That's the space it can create. But it wasn't just that idea that brought a shift, it was the actual process of a person sharing their own inner wisdom, to the benefit of another, in this case, me.

That is the connective aspect of the project - when we get over the judgements of "fluffiness", when we listen in non-judgement, and when we speak from that space within us, beneath the noise of what we like or don't like, we add to the pool of creative wisdom.

Please listen to this interview! Keri shares her stories about defining home, her search for something more, and her desire to help people.

After you've watched, consider this question; "What is home to you?"

Stories of Our Lives! is my attempt to connect people by showing that despite our different beliefs and all the media noise that separates us, underneath we all just people trying to tell our story, hoping for someone to listen.

For previous interviews, go to:

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