You’re OK.
Right now, as the radio shares another mass shooting, and you can’t get your mind off the next big bill going out, you are OK.
I know things seem grim sometimes, bleak even, but there’s a core part of you that will always be purely you, and that you is always OK.
It’s easy to get swept up in thoughts of the future, but that’s only what they are … thoughts. These thoughts can snowball into huge icy stories of how this will happen and how that will happen, how terrible everything will be and how grim the future really is… But these thoughts are not whispers from Nostradamus, and they have not been sent back from the future - they’re just thoughts.
Remembering that, will help you remember that right now, you are always OK, inside. Right now is here in front of you, and you are alive! You have the grace of opportunity to take another breath. And when Nostradamus gets in your ear again, and those stories of the future start to gather momentum, as they inevitably will, remember, they are Just Stories, and stories, though they can be vivid and compelling, are not TRUTHS.
Your brain is an incredible piece of kit, but it does not know the future - it just thinks it does.